
Orlando, Florida Business and Marketing Growth Tips

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Orlando, Florida Business and Marketing Growth Tips

Reputation Marketing for Orlando

As a businessman/woman in Orlando, Florida, it's up to you to make sure that your company has the best Online Reputation Management possible. This sounds like a concept that is simple enough, but its actual implementation is more complicated. Plus, the pressure to prevent a lousy brand picture is now higher than ever because anyone with a smartphone can automatically broadcast a negative opinion on social media and review pages.

A weak brand image will damage your ROI and growth potential significantly. And as a result of bad customer service or inadequate problem solving for the customers, this may happen. What would be worse? Unhappy consumers will spread the word about your brand to others, and your prospects, who are considering your product or service, may have already learned negative things about your business before you can do something.

Working on your online reputation management and offline is involved in counteracting this and building the best reputation possible. Most business leaders in your shoes don't know where to start, based on our customers' experience. So to help you, we've come up with the ten things you can do to make sure that people care about your business as high as possible.

#1: Always put the best face forward, always

This means dressing well, being at all times professional, respectful, and hopeful. You represent the company everywhere you go, and you never know who's going to watch, so it's always easier to say you're "on." This doesn't mean you can't go to the pharmacy in the middle of the night in your PJs for cold medicine if you're sick. If you do, though, make sure you do your best to be respectful with the people you encounter along the way.

#2: Hold your pledges

When you say that something is going to be done by you, please do it. At the last minute, don't back out. When something comes up and your pledge is messed with, find someone who will stand in for you, and do just as good a job as you would have done. The last thing you would like to do is earn a reputation as a flake. 

#3: Communicate a great deal

Keep individuals in the loop at all times. Even if your client's project has not changed anything recently, give them a short email to let them know you're there for them. This way, clients and consumers would not have to worry about you failing them. Don't email every five minutes, but it should be sufficient once every few days. Good communication and expectation management are the secret to establishing a good working relationship with your clients.

#4: Make sure you have a fantastic website

Your customers are interested in getting to know more about you. By setting up a website for yourself and your company, you are taking the first steps towards creating your online identity. Ensure that the website is well designed and tells individuals who you are, what you offer, and how people can approach you.

#5: To your advantage, use social media

Set up a Facebook profile, a Twitter account, a LinkedIn page, and Tumblr and Pinterest, if you think they'll be helpful. More significantly, make sure that individuals recognize that these pages and accounts exist. People prefer to choose social media over more conventional channels, such as phone calls, to contact a business for questions or feedback. Make open to them these avenues!

#6: Don't flood!

This is particularly crucial if you have an email list (which you should). It is tempting to send out emails about things as soon as they happen. But, what this does is leave the people on the mailing list confused. Unless you have promised otherwise, limit yourself to one email per week that you can use to keep your subscribers caught up on the goings-on within your company.

#7: Ask for reviews

Asking buyers and customers what they think about you and your products is the best way to prove that you appreciate their reviews. Promote reviews, input, and even criticism. You may also recommend that you have a testimonial page from which people can seek information on your website. Yeah, they're more likely to use Facebook or Twitter, but it's still a good idea to have the page accessible, especially if you're a B2B business.

#8: React to the feedback in fact

Thank you guys for your kind words and praise. Act with individuals who lodge grievances or disapproval of levies. Ask yourself if that person is correct if someone complains about you, or what you have to offer. If so, work hard to correct the issue they've been talking about. If you want to gain even more points, ask them (politically) for their views and suggestions for fixing the problem.

#9: Answer phony rumors

Does anyone spread false rumors about you? Don't just let those rumors lie down and hope no one hears them (or that they will die down eventually). Work aggressively to ensure that individuals know that the stories are not real. Constructively, find a way to do this. Without dragging the rumor spreader through the mud, you can prove a rumor false (even though some mud-dragging might feel good). You are painting yourself in an even better light by taking the high road.

#10: Track your prestige

One of the reasons for someone's tanks' credibility is that they were not on the ball enough to respond to a crisis when it happened. Monitoring your reputation is not hard when you're starting. Monitoring becomes more time-intensive as you expand your company and gain popularity. Employ a firm to do it for you if you can't do it in-house. It is an expense that is worth investing in.

Time for your credibility to polish

Nobody wants to buy from a company that has poor feedback and concerns from current customers, which is why it is so crucial for your business in Orlando, Florida to go the extra mile to preserve and boost your brand image.

You can't be flawless 100% of the time. However, you should make other individuals feel that you are flawless 100 percent of the time. Those tips will enable you to achieve your goal.


Global Presence Marketing is serving the business and marketing needs of our Orlando, Florida clients, and partners. We are conveniently accessible online - SCHEDULE HERE. For help, call (888) 719-4771 or send us a message through our Contact Page.


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Podcast Marketing for Orlando

These days, podcasting is having its share of fame. The bandwagon includes company owners, trainers, advertisers, influencers, to name a few. And why so? In addition to being a theme these days, everybody knows that you can hit a broader audience. You can do with podcasting what blogging alone can not capture in Orlando, Florida.

Know Your Niche and Avatar.

Before you launch your podcast, be very explicit. Assuming you've got a sewing business, and you want to start talking about sewing. That will mean that people interested in sewing or people who are curious about sewing methods would be your audience. These are the individuals you are trying to approach. They are more likely to listen to you. And the arts and crafts stuff will probably fall into your niche.

Know where your listeners are hanging out.

Since you need to know where to speak to your audience, this is important. Locate them regardless of the social media site.

Know what your audience is going to tell you and how to meet them.

You will need to market it once you release your podcast. Share information about your podcast. That's where you can meet your clients, your customers, your listeners, and get them to join your list of emails. Send it out if you already have an email list. Speak and get them interested in your audience.

Have a CTA (Call To Action)

You should have a Call to Action on that email list to ask individuals to subscribe to either iTunes, Google, Stitcher, or any channel. The more people who have listened to your podcast, the higher your rating, ratings, etc.

Get On All Platforms of Social Media

Send your podcast to those networks where your avatar is hanging out. By showing the transcript of the episode, those individuals repurpose their podcast. If people don't want to listen to it, they can read it from the entire conversation's transcript. Some podcasters opt-out of the episode to have a blog post, which is what I recommend.

Ensure that the blog post is short, snappy, intelligent, and has all the relevant details. Your choice of transcription or blog post depends on your target audience. If they want the complete transcript to be read, do it. Alternatively, have a blogpost.

Share Your Episode Too With Your Audience Guest.

For your guest, make it clear that you want them to share your episode with their viewers and their social media pages as well. Your guest's audience will vary from yours, which is why it is essential that you promote your podcast to them as well. Share the connections, works of art, audio clips, and all the related information for that episode.

Don't Get Desperate Until You Get Instant Results.

When they do not get immediate popularity, lots of podcasters quit. It might take years or months for you to get a thousand downloads. It can be demanding but feasible. You've just got to work hard. The most popular podcasts I've been listening to, and they know whom they're talking about.

They know what they do, and they know that they are being listened to by you. They've got to say and show their viewers something, and they want to share it.

Good Podcasters are consistent with their post.

They are consistent in coming out if the episode comes out on the same day and time in Orlando, Florida.

All you need to have to upload your podcast is laid out here. The next question is when are you going to do it? Ok, now's the right time to do it.


Global Presence Marketing is serving the business and marketing needs of our Orlando, Florida clients, and partners. We are conveniently accessible online - SCHEDULE HERE. For help, call (888) 719-4771 or send us a message through our Contact Page.


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